How do I change my username in the community?

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 12:25 AM

You can change your username from within the Community (rather than from your Dashboard or Account page). You can change your username by following the steps below:

  1. From your Dashboard, click your avatar in the upper right-hand corner and select Community.
  2. Select your avatar (or picture) in the upper right corner.
  3. Click the Person icon  .
  4. Select Preferences.
  5. Under the Username section, click on the pencil icon (next to your username).
  6. Enter your new username.
  7. Click Change.
  8. Select Yes.
  9. Boom! You’re all set!
IMPORTANT: You can change your username within the first 3 days of joining the Community. After that point, please reach out to us here and request to change your username.