How do I download or save the code I've written?
- Last updated on July 7, 2023 at 9:24 PM
You can download the code you write regardless of the subscription status. For example, if you completed some missions as a Premium subscriber, you can download the code from those lessons even after you cancel your subscription.
To download your code:
- Go to your profile page using the menu in the top-right corner of your screen.
- Click the 'Download Code' tab in the right panel.
- Click on the course name for which you'd like to download the code.
- Save the .zip file on your computer.
- Unzip the file to access the .py files containing your code.
Downloaded .zip files don't include the lesson's instructions or the dataset used in the lesson. You can download the dataset by following the instructions here.
Downloading your code from a Jupyter Notebook
Downloading your code from a Jupyter Notebook requires different processes but is just as easy to do! From your notebook, you'll want to click on File → Download As → .ipynb, which will download the .ipynb
file to your local drive.