I can't log in

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 12:28 AM

There are several reasons you may find yourself in a situation where you're unable to log in.

Your account is deactivated.

If you're having trouble logging in to Dataquest, the most likely reason is that your account has been deactivated.

If you think this might be the case, please contact us.

Your password is incorrect.

You may have tried to log in and received an incorrect password error message — this means that the password you've input does not match the one we have on file.

If you've forgotten your password, not to worry! Simply follow the instructions in this article to reset it and be on your way 😄.

The website is down. 

This is the least likely scenario, but if you're receiving invalid credentials or a 500 server error page, the Dataquest platform may be malfunctioning.

The first way to check whether the site is down is via our status page. If nothing seems amiss, it's still well worth your while to report this incident to our Support team by sending us a message here.

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