How do I backup my Guided Projects as I’m learning?

  • Last updated on July 7, 2023 at 6:28 PM
While you’re learning with Dataquest, backing up your Guided Projects is a great way to ensure that you never lose your work and have peace of mind.

This article covers how to download your Guided Project from our platform. However, you have a couple of additional backup options:

Local Storage

Press the Download button in the guided project/Jupyter notebook.

When you click the Download button, the files relevant to the project are zipped up and downloaded as a tar file.

Suggestion: Rename the folder to v1 if it’s the only version in that folder. Otherwise, rename the folder vX where X is the number of versions in that folder + 1.

Git Repository

Compared to Local Storage, this is the best option - if you use GitHub, you can showcase your project to others, as GitHub can render the Jupyter notebook file and show its contents. Also, GitHub will save you a lot of storage space.

Please check out this article to learn How to Backup your Guided Project to GitHub.