My lesson or course is showing as incomplete

  • Last updated on July 7, 2023 at 6:20 PM
Whenever you complete a screen in a lesson it gets recorded in our database, which is then passed to your dashboard so you can visually track all your progress in a single place.

If you're not seeing an accurate representation of your progress percentage on your dashboard, it could be for any number of reasons, the most common of which we've listed below:

Progress is being logged but is delayed on your dashboard

When site traffic is high, progress will be recorded correctly but may not show up on your dashboard for a period of time. In rare cases, it can prevent progress from showing unless you manually give it a little push.

The simplest solution is to give the dashboard time to "catch up" with our database. If that is not working, open the lesson and then examine the Outline at the top of the page.

From there, you can locate any screens that may have been skipped.

Progress is not being logged at all.

In contrast with the first scenario, it could be that the progress you made was not recorded in the database at all. This is very rare.

You could fix it by following the steps above and rerunning your code or reaching out and asking for progress to be updated manually.

You didn’t click Submit Answer

You’ll notice there are two buttons - one says run code, and the other says submit answer. To be able to mark the screen as complete, you have to use the submit answer button to run against our answer checker to ensure your answer is correct, and you can move on.