Edit or update name, email, or profile information?
- Last updated on July 18, 2024 at 12:31 PM
Updating your name:
Your name can be updated in your profile using the steps below.
* If you are using SSO, your name is synchronized with the service you use to sign in. We synchronize the name on each login attempt.
If you'd like to update your name, you either need to stop using SSO or update the name in the service you are using, and it will sync on the next login.
The name-syncing behavior is the default logic for the library we are using, and it helps most learners associate the account with the correct address.
Updates to your profile:
You can edit or add your profile information (name, email, location, bio, Github, LinkedIn, website) by following the instructions below:
- Navigate to your name in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Profile
- Click Edit
- Add or edit your information
- Click Save