Can I check on my team's progress?
- Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 1:53 AM
Your team dashboard gives you multiple ways of checking on the progress of your team members, depending on the granularity of the data you'd like to review.
There are a couple of ways you can review your team's progress.
Team progress reports
We recommend downloading your team report(s) periodically.
- From your Dashboard, click the avatar in the top-right corner
- Select Team Admin. You will automatically land on your Team Progress page
Your Team Admin dashboard will allow you to see an overview of how much time your team members have spent learning, and how far along they're progressing in the content.
To download progress reports:
- Select the type of report (Invitation status, Time spent, Course progress, Lesson progress, Assignments, or All)
- Learn more about the types of reports here
- Select the date range
- Alternatively, you can toggle on All Time to download a historical report
- Click Download Report - CSV
If you have trouble downloading your report, reach out to us at (using the e-mail address associated with your team).
You can always create a custom report (that automatically updates) by using our API.
Review team member certificates
To review the certificates your members have earned, you can click their name from your Team Admin page.
This will allow you to navigate to their profile page and review the certificates they've earned (i.e. the courses & learning paths they've completed).
Can't see team member certificates
There may be a couple of reasons that you can't see a team member's certificates:
- You can't review their profile
- You need to review a team member's profile to review their certificates. However, to review their profile, their account needs to have a first and last name.
If you can only see their e-mail address on your Team Admin page, it means that they haven't completed their profile. Please ask them to update their profile with their first and last name.
Alternatively, you can contact your Account Manager and request that they update the team member's name.
- You need to review a team member's profile to review their certificates. However, to review their profile, their account needs to have a first and last name.
- They haven't completed a course or a learning path
- We issue certificates whenever a learner completes a course or a learning path.
If your team member hasn't yet completed a course or learning path, they won't receive a certificate.
- We issue certificates whenever a learner completes a course or a learning path.