Team license rotation

  • Last updated on October 22, 2024 at 4:15 PM

How license rotation works

"Licenses" are the number of user (team members) that can access our Premium content simultaneously, and can be rotated between your team as needs change. 

This means that if you have team members who no longer need to learn, you can swap them out at any time with other team members as long as you stay within your license limits (the number of licenses you had purchased)! 

For example, if you purchased 2 licenses but want 3 team members to learn at the same time, the third team member would be outside of your license limits and you would need to purchase another license.

Additional licenses can be added at any time and will be billed at a prorated amount, so all licenses renew on the same date each year.

What happens to team members when you rotate licenses

When you rotate a license, you're removing Premium access from a team member and assigning that access to another team member.

As licenses are added and removed from team members, their accounts transition from Premium to free. Progress and certificates are maintained in the individual's account. This means that regardless of whether a license has been assigned, the members will retain their progress within their account. 

How to assign or remove a license

  1. From your Dashboard, click the avatar in the top-right corner
  2. Select Team Admin from the dropdown menu
  3. From the user's list, select the users you'd like to add or remove licenses for and use the Actions dropdown to update.

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