What is a learning streak?
- Last updated on July 7, 2023 at 10:23 PM
The dashboard's Learning Streak lets you see how many days you've completed a coding screen.
For example, if you've completed a coding screen for 10 days in a row, you'll have a 10-day learning streak.
Additional Information
- Redoing screens that you have already completed won't count toward the streak.
- Guided projects won't count toward a learning streak
- The 'Current streak' will only display a number if you have at least a two-day streak.
- The streak is broken when there's a gap of more than 36 hours between coding screen completions.
- The number of days in the streak is counted based on server time, so depending on your timing, you may occasionally see what looks like your streak going up twice in one day or missing a day
- It's not a bug; your streak is counting coding screen completions according to our server.
Example : The server time is 11:30 PM, and your local time is 6:00 AM. If you completed a coding screen right now and another one after 1 hour, you will notice that your streak will go up twice in a single day.