Can I access the course material after my subscription has expired?

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 12:31 AM
Dataquest is a subscription-based platform and, much like other subscription-based services like Netflix, you only maintain access to the material if your subscription is currently active and paid for.

However, an expired subscription doesn't mean you'll get locked out of your account. Once your subscription expires or is canceled, your account will revert to a Free plan. You'll still have access to:
  • The first lesson in each course.
  • The .py files to any code that you've written on the platform (so make sure to add detailed comments to your code!)
  • Any certificates that you've earned (these can be found on your profile page).
  • Access to Downloadable Takeaways that you've unlocked (think of these as mini-cheat sheets you can use for review). If you need to access these takeaways, check out this article.
And, even better – if you choose to continue your subscription after your hiatus, all your original progress will be saved, so you don't have to worry about starting over from scratch.