How to troubleshoot connection issues

  • Last updated on October 26, 2024 at 8:24 AM
If you're experiencing connection issues on our platform, please review the troubleshooting steps and check out the most common reasons below.

Most connectivity issues can be resolved by following the steps below:

  1. Connect through a different internet connection. If you're not experiencing any connection issues, then the problem is caused by the previous internet connection. If so, please contact your internet service provider directly to troubleshoot.

  2. Connect through a different device. Using the same internet connection, try using a different device to access our platform. If you're not experiencing any connection issues, then the problem is caused by the previous device. If this is the case, please:
    1. Disable the Antivirus software / Firewall and attempt to reconnect
    2. Use a different browser and attempt to reconnect
    3. Attempt a hard refresh/reload in your browser. This will clear your browser's cache and force it to load the most recent version of that page. 
    4. Clear your browser's cookies and cache. If the information in your browser is outdated, it can cause performance issues with various platforms. Clearing your cache and cookies gives your browser a fresh start. 
    5. Remove any browser extensions. Browser extensions can also interact with platforms and cause performance issues. If you have trouble with this step, check out a quick guide. 

If you feel stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. However, our in-app AI may be able to help you quickly.

Factors causing connection issues

Ad Blocker

If you use an ad-blocking service, please disable it or whitelist our platform. We use third-party cookies and other tracking mechanisms to deliver our code-running experience. Ad Blockers can interfere with these services and cause side effects, including connection issues.

Proxy Server / VPN (Virtual Private Network)

If you're using a corporate network, there is a chance that Web Socket connections are blocked because most corporate networks use proxies to filter your internet access. Our platform heavily relies on Web Socket connections to provide you with our learning environment. This type of connection is typically blocked in corporate networks because Web Socket connections are also used for online gaming.

If you use a corporate network, please contact your IT admin and ask them to whitelist our website. You may need to provide them with the following details:
  1. hostname:
  2. ip:
  3. subnet mask: /0
  4. protocol: wss
  5. port: 443
There is also a chance that the VPN service provider causes the connection issue in the case of VPNs.

Your Internet Connection

If you're using a mobile network, your connection may likely be slow due to insufficient signal strength, which can cause connectivity issues - slow networks don’t work well with Web Sockets. The connection can also fail due to transparent proxies used by mobile phone operators. Connect through a strong signal (e.g., via ethernet or WiFi) for optimal performance.

Your Device

There is a possibility that the connectivity issue is caused by the device you use. For example, it could be caused by a failing WiFi adapter, browser issues, firewall issues, extensions, etc.


Yep! Connection issues might happen due to an issue on our end. If there are any widespread issues with the platform, they'll be posted on our Status page here.

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If you reach out about a connection issue, please describe the steps you've taken. This will help us better pinpoint what may be causing the issue, and help us find ways to resolve it.