Teams API Documentation

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 2:33 AM

While we provide an option to download reports from the Team Progress page, APIs can help you generate a custom report that gets updated automatically. 

Only team admins can generate an API key.

Generating an API Key

To generate an API key, either visit this link or:

  1. Click the Avatar icon on the top left corner of your dashboard
  2. Select Team Admin 
  3. Click the API Keys tab on the left
  4. Click the Generate button
For security reasons, your API key is only displayed upon generation. Make sure to safely store your API key once generated.

Generating a new API key will deactivate any existing API key!


To authenticate with our REST API, the Api-Key header must be provided with the provisioned API Key.


headers = {
    'API-Key': '<Paste your API KEY here>'


The base API URL is<team_id>/. You can obtain your team id by creating a ticket. Our app currently supports the following endpoints.

  • course_progress
  • mission_progress
  • invitations_status
  • time_spent
  • all

All of these endpoints return JSON data and support the following arguments.

  • start_date: (DD/MM/YYYY format)
  • end_date: (DD/MM/YYYY format)

Please note that we only allow 10 requests per minute. Once it is exceeded, you will receive the following response:

{'detail': 'Request was throttled. Expected available in 38 seconds.'}


Retrieving course progress without a date range


# import requests module
import requests
headers = {
    'API-Key': '<Paste your API KEY here>'
# Making a get request
response = requests.get('<team_id>/course_progress', headers=headers)
# print response


      "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
      "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",

Retrieving course progress with a date range

# import requests module
import requests
headers = {
    'API-Key': '<Paste your API KEY here>'

params = {
    'start_date': '14/02/2022', # DD/MM/YYYY
    'end_date': '17/02/2022' # DD/MM/YYYY
# Making a get request
response = requests.get('<team_id>/course_progress', headers=headers, params=params)
# print response

Retrieving all data

# import requests module
import requests
headers = {
    'API-Key': '<Paste your API KEY here>'
# Making a get request
response = requests.get('<team_id>/all', headers=headers)
# print response


         "hours spent":0.0
         "hours spent":0.0
         "hours spent":0.0
         "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
         "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",
         "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
         "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",
         "mission":"Python Programming",
         "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
         "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",
         "mission":"Programming Python Variables",
         "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
         "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",
         "mission":"Python Data Types: Integers, Floats, Strings",
         "path":"Data Analyst in Python",
         "course":"Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python",
         "mission":"Python Lists",