Inaccurate Team Progress Report

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 1:52 AM

If progress appears to be missing or inaccurate for some of your current or past team members, it could be due to these reasons:

Team members retain progress in their individual accounts indefinitely. Their progress is never lost - it just may appear to be missing from your report.

The same team members were added, removed, and later re-added to the team

Generally, progress from current or past team members are retained in the report. However, if you've added, removed, and re-added the same team members, their progress may not reflect accurately.

Since they've been removed and re-added to the team, the report will only reflect their most recent progress.

  • To prevent this, we recommend downloading your reports periodically (especially before re-adding team members), or using our Teams API.
  • Ask us to create a custom report for you that reflects the historical progress of those team members.
    • Please ask us as far in advance as possible for this report, as it will take time. We recommend requesting a custom report at least 2 weeks in advance. You can reach out with this request to
The wrong dates were selected for the report

Team progress may be appearing inaccurate because the wrong dates were selected. 

  • Follow these steps to select the appropriate date(s) for the report.
  • If you're attempting to review a report since the time the team was created (a historical report), toggle on All Time
The information exists in another report

There are 5 different types of progress reports you can download. Each report will have different types of information:

  • Invitation status
  • Time Spent
  • Course Progress
  • Lesson progress
  • Assignments

Review this article to understand the type of information included in each report.

The team member(s) had progress before being added to the team

Your reports will only reflect a team member's progress from the time they were added to your team or accepted your invite. 

If they made progress before they were added to the team, it won't be captured in your Team reports. 

  • You can review the certificates on their profile. This will help you to understand what course or learning path the team member has completed
  • Ask us to create a custom report for you that reflects the historical progress of those team members.
    • Please ask us as far in advance as possible for this report, as it will take time. We recommend requesting a custom report at least 2 weeks in advance. You can reach out with this request to

Still having trouble with a report? Reach out to us at

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