What types of reports can I download?

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 1:53 AM

As a Team Admin, there are 5 different types of progress reports you can download in CSV. Each report will have different types of information:

Invitation Status

This report will give you information about when each team member was invited and when they've accepted your invitation to the team. 

This report is named report_invitation_status will include these columns:

  • Learner name
    • The name of the team member
  • Email
    • The e-mail address associated with their account
  • Dttm_invited
    • Date & time the team member was invited
  • Dttm_accepted
    • Date & time the team member accepted the invitation
  • Last_login
    • When the team member last logged into Dataquest
    • This may be slightly misleading, as they may be kept logged in but were still learning over a period of time
  • Invitation status
    • Whether the team member is pending (hasn't yet accepted the invite) or if they've started learning 

Time Spent

This report will give you information about the total number of hours each team member has spent learning (within the date you specified when you downloaded the report).

This report is named report_time_spent and includes these columns:

  • Learner name
    • The name of the team member
  • Email
    • The e-mail address associated with their account
  • Dttm_started_learning
    • The date & time the team member started learning
  • Last_login
    • When the team member last logged into Dataquest
    • This may be slightly misleading, as they may be kept logged in but were still learning over a period of time
  • Hours_spent
    • The total number of hours the team member has spent learning

Course Progress

This report will give you information about which learning path and course each team member has started & completed (within the date you specified when you downloaded the report).

This report is named report_course_progress and includes these columns:

  • Learner name
    • The name of the team member
  • Email
    • The e-mail address associated with their account
  • Last_login
    • When the team member last logged into Dataquest
    • This may be slightly misleading, as they may be kept logged in but were still learning over a period of time
  • Path
    • The learning path (career or skill path) the course exists in. This will also allow you to see if they've completed content in multiple learning paths.
  • Step
    • This will include a number (1, 2, etc) or N/A (if the path doesn't have a step)
    • This can help indicate where in the content they're currently learning.
  • Course
    • The course(s) that each team member has learned from
  • Language
    • The data science coding language (e.g. R, Python, SQL) associated with the course
  • Dttm_course_started
    • The date and time each team member started the course. If they started multiple courses over time, this will reflect when they started each course
  • Progress_pct
    • This will reflect their progress as a percentage (1-100)
  • Dttm_completed
    • The date and team each team member completed a course
Lesson Progress

This report will give you information about which learning path, course, and lesson each team member has started & completed (within the date you specified when you downloaded the report).

This report is named report_mission_progress and includes these columns:

  • Learner name
    • The name of the team member
  • Email
    • The e-mail address associated with their account
  • Last_login
    • When the team member last logged into Dataquest
    • This may be slightly misleading, as they may be kept logged in but were still learning over a period of time
  • Path
    • The learning path (career or skill path) the course exists in. This will also allow you to see if they've completed content in multiple learning paths.
  • Step
    • This will include a number (1, 2, etc) or N/A (if the path doesn't have a step)
    • This can help indicate where in the content they're currently learning.
  • Course
    • The course(s) that each team member has started
  • Mission
    • The lesson(s) each team member has started learned from
  • Language
    • The data science coding language (e.g. R, Python, SQL) associated with the course
  • Dttm_started_mission
    • The date and time each team member started a lesson. If they started multiple lessons over time, this will reflect when they started each lesson
  • Progress_pct
    • This will reflect their progress in the lesson as a percentage (1-100)
  • Dttm_completed
    • The date and team they completed the lesson

This report will give you information about the paths, steps, or courses you've assigned to each team member.

The report is named report_assignments and includes these columns:

  • Learner name
    • The name of the team member
  • Email
    • The e-mail address associated with their account
  • Path
    • The learning path (career or skill path) the assigned to the team member.
  • Course
    • The course(s) that assigned to the team member
  • Lesson
    • The lesson(s) assigned to the team member 
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