Troubleshooting Microsoft Excel and Power BI Login and Connection Issues

  • Last updated on October 26, 2024 at 9:24 AM

If you see an error or a Microsoft login screen, the virtual machine is experiencing connection issues. The system should automatically authenticate into a virtual machine with Dataquest credentials and load it into your browser.

The most common reasons are:

1. Microsoft took too long to respond during the authentication process. Click Restart to reinitialize the session.

2. You do not have 3rd party cookies enabled in your browser. To resolve:
  • Log out of your Dataquest account

  • Log out of Microsoft if you are logged in

  • Clear your browser cookies

  • Enable 3rd party cookies in your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari)

  • Log back into your Dataquest account

  • Return to the lesson (you should be automatically logged in to the Dataquest virtual environment)

3. Your browser has a plugin or other configuration that keeps the connection from being established. Trying a different browser usually fixes the issue.

If you continue to experience connection issues after trying these steps, please message us for assistance. 

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