The download button in my guided project is not working

  • Last updated on July 7, 2023 at 2:28 PM

Sometimes when we click on the Download button in Jupyter-based guided projects, it will not react. This issue occurs mainly in guided projects with large files.

Troubleshooting steps

Step 1

You can run this code (after modification) to get a link to download your project files:

!chmod +x wsend
!zip appearance_type.csv game_log_fields.txt

In the third line, you should add the files that you wish to include in the download file. Above, we are downloading appearance_type.csv and game_log_fields.txt. Add whatever you want.

The output will look something like what’s below. Note the link at the end, that’s where you’ll be able to get your files.

Step 2

  1. Click on the Jupyter logo

  2. Click on the notebook folder

  3. Click on a file

  4. Download the file using the File Menu

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all files you wish to download