Does Dataquest offer phone support?

  • Last updated on July 8, 2023 at 2:02 AM
To keep costs low, Dataquest only offers email support.
  1. Our ticketing system allows for sharing screenshots, links, code snippets, gifs, and videos — this ensures everyone is on the same page and helps our support team pinpoint issues faster.
  2. We can automatically gather technical information for research and troubleshooting purposes and link you directly to our online Knowledge Base, which we constantly improve.
  3. All support tickets and conversations are stored away for easy access. This allows anyone on our team to quickly pick up where another left off, so we never have to ask you questions twice.
  4. We want to ensure nothing gets lost in translation if we need to escalate your issue.
  5. By focusing on online support channels, we can continually scale our support and dedicate resources to improve and innovate our platform.
We've done our best to answer your questions (even before you ask!) through our Knowledge Base and Community. However, if there's ever a moment our Knowledge Base or Community can't answer your question, feel free to send a message here — we'd be happy to help!